HealBot Continued


Main HealBot Site

Post questions/comments on the forums for Healbot Continued

English Only version available here

HealBot Classic

HealBot Classic is available here


Configure key mouse combos to cast any helpful spell on Players with active bars

Configure key mouse combos to cast any helpful spell on Players with non-active bars.

Configure key mouse combos to cast any harmful spell on Enemy targets with active bars.

Any usable item can be added to all combos.

Any existing macro can be added to all combos.

Target, Focus and Assist can be added to all combos

HealBot can track and display who has aggro

HealBot can be used for decursive functions

HealBot can be used for monitoring buffs and buffing

HealBots appearance can be configured and preferred appearances can be saved as skins.

HealBot can show party/tanks/checked targets/extras in a raid, extras can be filtered and sorted.

Use up to 10 frames for grouping players, a skins appearance settings can be altered per frame

Healbot skins and be shared externally with others, check out the Available Skins here

HealBot can show incoming heals and absord affects

HealBot has a SmartCast out of combat option, to auto heal, buff, debuff or res.

Recommended Addons

SharedMedia - This addon is designed to be used by addons, it gives additional textures, fonts and sounds.

SharedMediaAdditionalFonts - This addon can be used with SharedMedia to gives additional fonts.

Slash Commands

Listed on the Healbot Site

Installing and Updating

Completely log off WoW

Copy the folders into your WoW Addons folder.

Logon to WoW on your main Healer.

As a priority you should open the options and configure spells, debuffs and buffs.

Bug Reports

Bug Reports Go Here

HealBot Main site

Up to date information and main HealBot site

Available on the site:

Additional Skins




YouTube Videos

HealBot Continued channel

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