

A quest journal that shows your progress within quest chains in a simple and easy to follow manner, showing not only your current quest but also all the future quests in the line, how they all connect and other quest lines they lead to or require.

Quest lines are now packaged within separate addons per expansion:

BtWQuests: Shadowlands contains all leveling zones, covenant campaigns and Torghast unlock (Included by default)

BtWQuests: Battle for Azeroth contains all quest lines including the leveling zones, War Campaign, and 8.2 and 8.3 quest lines

BtWQuests: Legion contains all major quest lines for Legion, including class campaigns and story quest lines

BtWQuests: Warlords of Draenor contains the initial garrison quest chain aswell as the shipyard questlines along with the major quest lines for leveling zones

BtWQuests: Mists of Pandaria contains the major quest lines for leveling zones in Mists of Pandaria

BtWQuests: Cataclysm contains the major quest lines for leveling zones in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor

BtWQuests: Wrath of the Lich King contains very early versions of the major quest lines for leveling zones

BtWQuests: The Burning Crusade for the Outland quest lines in leveling areas

Slash Commands

/btwquests - Show/hide the main UI

/btwquests minimap - Show/hide the minimap icon

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