Quest Completist
Quest Completist
Enables you to see what quests you have completed, and what ones you still have to do. Supports server query, allowing you to query the blizzard server for all quests you have completed in the past.
Use /qc or /questc to open the main interface, or assign a key binding.
Hold left-shift and click to toggle completed status, hold left-alt and click to toggle unattainable status.
Left click quest to make waypoint to quest giver, this depends on TomTom (do not yet work for Bfa quests)
Version 109.15 +
Support for Battle for Azeroth
Version 108.X
Support for Legion
Version 107
Disabled debug output
Version 106 - Map Pin Fix
I haven't been hit by a bus! (yet)
Map fix so that pins now show correctly after the legion launch (let me know of any issues).
Please note: Legion content itself hasn't been added yet! I am really hoping to get this started as soon as is possible!
Lists all quests for each zone.
Provides at-a-glance quest feedback, which other similar quest trackers do not. For example a yellow "!" for uncompleted quests, a blue "!" or "?" for Daily and Repeatable quests and so on. This helps prevent confusion, as blizzard never concider Repeatables or Dailys "completed". It also flags special quests as orange, for example the collectors edition quests, or quests which can no longer be done.
Automatically switches zones as you travel around the world.
Allows you to view or hide quests for the opposing force, or for other classes.
Quest tooltips when hovering over them on the QC list.
Quest icons will appear on the world map for quest you have not yet completed.
Functionality to display what quests are "In Progress" when browsing the quest lists. If a quest is in progress (i.e In your quest log), then you will see either a grey "?" or a yellow "?", reflecting if the quest is "in progress but not complete" or "in progress and ready to hand in".
Supports server query.
Any feedback would be great.
- Viduus, Frostmane EU.
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